What do We Do?

Carbon Offsetting

We started small, only a few trees here and there...

We quickly realized that our family and friends were looking for the same opportunities, only they lived in apartments, or didn’t have access to property that would allow them to grow their own food, or plant a tree.

Now we want to extend it to you.

Now Planting Conifers and Hardwoods

Conifers for quick results, and hardwoods for long lasting results.

In one year an acre of forest can absorb twice the CO2 produced by the average cars annual mileage.

What else do we grow?


We grow hemp in The Grove.
Low in THC, but high in CBD.


Our sheep are rotationally grazed to avoid chemical wormers.


Our organically grown, pastured chickens eat only non-GMO feed, and all the grass they can handle.

How can I help?